Sebastian Magnani is a Switzerland based photographer known for his intimate portraits masterfully utilising light and colour to create emotional scenes.
He developed an interest in photography while completing an apprenticeship in media design. In 2011, after 5 years of creative work at an advertising agency,
he decided to turn his passion into his profession. Since then, he has worked as a photographer in Zurich and has implemented various artistic projects.
His latest series “Daily Bat” skill-fully captures the aura of the cultural icon. Batman, and places him within the context of our normal, everyday reality thus
colliding two worlds with surprising and inspirational results.
The figure Batman becomes a person with whom we can identify with, seeming to sympathise through a shared sense of isolation.
In Magnani’s photos, heroic figures become relatable characters. The artist doesn’t portray his subjects in civilian clothes – instead, he depicts them in
costume. Through this approach, Magnani portrays a charming and unique hero who behaves very differently from what you might expect.
Daily Bat
Sebastian Magnani is Switzerland based photographer known for his intimate portraits masterfully utilizing light and color to create emotional scenes. His latest series “Daily Bat” skillfully captures the aura of the cultural icon Batman, and places him within the context of our normal, everyday reality. The figure Batman becomes a person with whom we can identify with, seeming to sympathize through a shared sense of isolation.
Sebastian developed an interest in photography while completing an apprenticeship in media design. In 2011, after 5 years of creative work at an advertising agency, he decided to turn his passion into his profession. Since then, he has worked as a photographer in Zurich and has implemented various artistic projects & winning multiple international photography awards.
Volume I


Choose Your Weapon


Back On Track


Eye Of Providence


Back To The Future

Wild Spirits

Bat Signal


Vitamin D

Big Brother is watching you


Calm Before The Storm

Vitamin D II

The Guardian (Square)

The Italian Job


American Dream

Cotton Candy

Give Me Back My Sight

Once Upon A Time

Once Upon A Time_2

Once Upon A Time_3

Perfect Weather To Fly

Reflecting Time

Morning Swish

Spaghetti Al Pomodoro

Test Drive

Stood Up
Daily Bat
Volume II
Cat's Scape
Sebastian Magnani’s latest photographic series offers rare glimpses into Catwoman’s downtime, revealing a more languorous side of the iconic character. Interchangeably portrayed as Batman’s foe, crime-fighting partner and lover, Catwoman is one of the most interesting and complex fictional antiheroes. Seductively captured on location in her tight, black catsuit, a laborious and time-consuming creative process that eschews any digital manipulation, the series combines a vibrant sense of colour with a melancholic sensibility, whimsically conveying the contradictions of human existence.